About Me

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We've lived alot of places including S.Korea, Seattle and San Diego. We've liked all the places we've been, but we like our current home the best! We now live in a great town with fabulous people that appreciate the value of hard work and a kind word. Its tough to find that type of place anymore. So with that said, we enjoy taking road trips, working on our house, growing our garden, attempting new recipes, and just hanging out as a family pursuing new and old hobbies, and spending time with our families. We have lots to be thankful for, and hope to share a glimpse into that here. Visit often, sit awhile and leave a comment!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Once a sweet cherub, now a full blown toddler...

This is Caleb at about 4 wks of age... he was a true mama's boy from the start... he never really let me out of his sight for very long, but I've enjoyed that for the most part.

Now however he's a bit of a true natured toddler... adventurous, strong-willed, and yet still wants mommy, but on his terms.

What inspired such a post you ask? Even as I write this post my toddler has been throwing himself down on the floor having a tantrum for all the things he thinks he wants and for the things that he does want but cannot have. Enough said :)


Bubbies' Mom said...

I love it! Nathan has been doing that quite a bit lately. I have to just let him work it out...so much fun, ugh!

Krista said...

Oh dear. Is this what I have to look forward to with my second? It seems you have described him perfectly already...