This afternoon, Joshua had a dr's appt for a referral for surgery that he is going to need to repair complications from his first surgery, bummer! I love the dr. that we saw today, but I no choice but to take an afternoon appt which meant NO nap for josh :( Of course, he fell asleep 5 minutes before the appt....sooooo typical. Then while we were seeing the dr... joshua was up and down on and off the table. He thoroughly enjoyed turning the portable light on and off. My patience was running thin... and he knew it. He protested the fact that this particular dr's office had a toy area without toys! Once we finally left we returned home for an hour and a half... I was hoping for a nap, silly me! Joshua remembered (have i mentioned his amazing memory!) that he was promised ice cream after this dr. appt. mainly because his personal parts are involved... the dr. kindly referred to it as his 'Johnson' lol. So joshua ate 2 otter pops and while I was on the phone with Geico he snuck a fudgsicle! Of course any mom with a 3 yr old knows that the few minutes of complete quiet are worth the sugar rush that followed :) Then the time came for us to go get Matt. So off we went to get daddy! By the time Matt came out to the car, joshua was fast asleep and stayed this way well into the evening... I took more pics!
The best part of the day was that we were reminded of God's blessing on our lives. With our move to WA we've found that our finances have been tough to get back into order. We have been walking in faith this week knowing that our finances were pretty low and with upcoming expenses that we were going to be having a tough time meeting them all. On my way home from the dr's office, I checked the mail to find a surplus check from the mortgage company! I could hardly believe it... all I could say was THANK you LORD! He is so good to us. We recently have experienced the importance of tithing and how that obedience affects our relationship with God. If you are not tithing because you think there isn't enough money in your bank acct then you might be pleasantly surprised by how God will take care of your needs and sometimes your wants too, just consider that!
Thank you for sharing this. It is so encouraging to hear what God is doing in the life of your family. Thanks for remdinding me of His unfailing love and provision!
AMEN Sista!
Rachel :)
Yes! He is good!!
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